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Maria Nersi
Mar 17, 20242 min read
Pawiwahan: Balinese Wedding Ceremony
For Balinese, marriage is one of the rite of passage where one moves to the second stage of life (grahasta). Gra / grha means home and...

Maria Nersi
Mar 16, 20242 min read
Metatah: Tooth Filing Ceremony (Entering adulthood ceremony)
Metatah ceremony is a ritual that involves the filing of six teeth in the upper jaw. It is believed that the pointed teeth symbolize...

Maria Nersi
Mar 13, 20242 min read
The Best Time for Meditation According to Balinese Day Cycle: Reintroducing Our Sacred Incense
The High Priestess in Bali, circa: 1910; source: Wereldmuseum Amsterdam The Balinese day cycle doesn't start at midnight, but it goes...
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