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Major Arcana collection symbolizes a transformative journey. This intentional scent collection invites you to explore the symbolic language of the universe, illuminating pathways to self-discovery, inner truth, and spiritual awakening. This collection will transport you to realms of serenity, guiding you home to your deepest essence.

Le Bateleur Scent
The High Priestess Scent
The Hierophant Scent
The Hermit Scent
The Moon Scent
Strength Scent

Explore Major Arcana

Le Bateleur

Le Bateleur/The Magician in Major Arcana deck is numbered One – the number of new beginnings and opportunities – and associates with the planet of Mercury.  This scent represents the connection between the spiritual realms and the material realms. This scent symbolizes creation and manifestation of goals.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a symbol of mystery, stillness and passivity. It suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant stands for moral righteousness. It represents originality and a reminder to re-evaluate the tradition or practices you have and to make sure whether or not it's still relevant and aligned with your personal value.

The Hermit

The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection when you're advised to go inward and look the answers within. It symbolizes wisdom and spiritual enlightenment that often appear when you have a set back and seemingly forced to retreat from your battlefield.

The Moon

The Moon suggests you to trust your intuition and to move slowly and carefully. It signifies the journey to your higher consciousness. The scent signifies spiritual growth and inner guidance. It helps to create a calming environment that provides a sense of security so you can face your fears and the uncertainties.


Strength scent emphasizes achieving success through inner strength rather than external force. It encourages maintaining a calm, logical, and optimistic demeanour even in the face of challenging situations. It symbolises self-discipline and compassion.

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