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Fitness Tips: Why You Should Not Skip Warm-Up

Maria Nersi

Get an effective and efficient workout routine with a proper warm-up.

Often people are tempted to hit on to the heavy lifting machine or main workout very quickly without a warm-up or right after a quick stretching session. You might just have a little time and want to do a quick 10-mins workout and think that you must skip the warm-up and go straight to your main workout so you'll have a time efficient workout.

Sadly, skipping the warm-up is NOT efficient or effective at all for your muscles. You will always need to activate your muscles before any kind of workout routines. Warm-up cannot be skipped, it's the most important session before hitting your main training. In resting, your muscles relatively receive a little blood flow. Blood supplies oxygen and other compounds to your muscles so they can work optimally.

With a low intensity warm-up, your heart will slowly start to pump more blood to your muscles.

"A warm-up allows exercisers to start their workouts with elevated VO2 levels—the amount of oxygen the body takes in and uses per minute—resulting in improved high-intensity, short-duration, and even endurance performances." - Sports Medicine Research

A Proper Warm-Up Will Reduce The Risk Of Injury

Without a good preparation, you will put your joints and muscles in risk of injury (such as muscle strains, dislocation, or muscle sprain). A warm-up session will help you conditioning your body to perform good exercises.

Activate & Increase Performance

To have a good efficient and effective exercise, your body will need certain chemicals pumped through your blood into your muscles. By warming up, you'll let your body adjust and activate these muscle cells before receiving a high intensity workout.

Mental & Posture Preparation

Prior prep your body before a workout will help to build your mental and physique by correcting your posture and form better. To get a good exercise, you need to be fully aware of your body parts you're training (targeted muscle-group). By preparing your muscles before practicing, you'll get your mental ready and you can visualize how you want to train your targeted muscle-group to the goal you're aiming.

Try this Home Workout Warm-Up by Chloe Ting:

Watch this Booty Warm-Up by Krissy Cela:

At Gym Lower & Upper Body Warm-Up by Hunter Chilton:




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