Journaling is one of the best manifesting methods we’d recommend. You can start by creating a visualization of your goals and dreams for each life aspect.

We believe that when we talk about manifestation, we have to think of every single detail of our lives so that we go through everything holistically. According to the Lifebook by Jon & Missy Butcher, there are 12 life categories that we need when it comes to manifestation:
· Health & Fitness
· Intellectual Life
· Emotional Life
· Character
· Spirituality
· Love Relationship
· Parenting
· Social Life
· Financial Life
· Career
· Quality of Life
· Life Vision
The purpose of visualization is to connect your dreams and goals with your emotions and feelings of where you are going and to bring those emotions and feelings to where you’re currently at. Using the law of resonance, you can match your vibration to the dreams and goals now in the present time by start feeling the emotions as if you’ve already achieved them. Often manifestation doesn’t work because the person fails to bring those emotions to the present moment. It is totally understandable because it is very hard to feel positive when the current reality says otherwise. Hence, other tools might be needed to help you with the visualization.
When writing down your list, focus on the emotions you would associate with your goals. Take note of them by creating keywords for each category. Be as specific as possible. You may take these for examples:
Health & Fitness: Physical wellbeing
Goal: Have a workout routine that I can stick into and being consistent with it to reach my body goals.
The emotions: Energized, motivated, confident, alert, euphoric.
Intellectual Life: The growth of your mind
Goal: Read one book every week. Learn new things and expand my horizon.
The emotions: Focused, passionate, curious, joy, feel creative.
Emotional Life: Handling emotions
Goal: Overcome my fears and sadness / grief.
The emotions: Peace, comfort, tranquil, acceptance, self-love.
Character: Values & traits
Goals: Have good judgement over a situation, be confident of my choice without self-doubt.
The emotions: Confident, fulfilled, proud, self-assured.
Spirituality: Your connection to God / higher power / higher self
Goal: Have a daily routine to connect with myself (meditation, yoga, etc.).
The emotions: Peace, tranquil, grateful, bliss, surrender.
Love Relationship: Romantic connection
Goal: Find my dream partner.
The emotions: Loved, desired, joy, safe.
Parenting: Role as a parent (if applicable)
Goal: Have a balance between work and spending time with my kids.
The emotions: Secure, loved, fulfilled, joy, connected, cared, sense of purpose.
Social Life: Relations with friends & community
Goal: Meet friends regularly.
The emotions: Relaxed, happy, belong, joy, excited, understood, familiar.
Financial Life: Relationship with money and assets
Goal: Buy a dream car
The emotions: Excited, sentimental, achieved, confident, exclusive, sense of prestige.
Career: Professional pursuits
Goal: Grow my team bigger / a promotion at work.
The emotions: Motivated, achieved, fulfilled, sense of purpose, focus.
Quality of Life: Lifestyle quality
Goal: Be able to eat healthier, have a healthy routine.
The emotions: Feel healthy & fit, feeling fresh, energized, motivated.
Life Vision: Long term purpose / soul purpose
Goal: Have balance in all areas of my life, create peace where ever I go. Attract good people and collaborate to heal the world.
The emotions: Peace, tranquil, fulfilled, radiating healing energy.
Once you’ve got all of your list, you can start choosing your scents to associate with the emotions. In Bymne, we have designed each scent for particular purpose. For the example, for a workout routine, we created Supple Tone blend that is energizing, boosting your focus, reducing drowsiness, alongside with other benefits that may help your workout session; or Quick Recovery blend that is stimulating and uplifting, it also helps with muscle relieving to treat over-exercised muscles. You can start using these two when manifesting to get the feelings and emotions.
Another example is when you want to manifest a higher connection to God or your higher self to access your higher calling or soul purpose, you can use Mahendradatta No. 990 blend that is purifying and allowing your mind to be more present; or you can use Mahendradatta No. 1011 that symbolizes spiritual awakening and promotes deeper connection to your higher self as it creates sacred atmosphere so you can associate with the emotions needed way easier.
You can use these scents when visualizing on your daily basis. You can create a daily ritual where you can give the association of your visions to your emotions using our scents. For an example, you can burn our candle to create the ambiance or burn our incense while creating your vision board of your particular life category on your Pinterest. Or if you only have a little time, you can use the roller oil on your pulse point when you’re about to go to bed and do a quick laying down - alpha state meditation until you fall asleep. Use the scents every time you feel need to channel the particular emotions that remind you of your dreams and goals. Happy manifesting!