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Rahajeng Pagerwesi; the First Major Holy Day in Wuku Sinta

Maria Nersi

In Balinese calendar, Pagerwesi is linked very closely to Saraswati holy day. Both celebrate knowledge and wisdom. On Saraswati day, Balinese are celebrating Dewi Saraswati as the goddess who gives human the access to the knowledge; while on Pagerwesi, Balinese are worshipping Sanghyang Pramesti Guru who is believed as the ultimate divine guide of the universe that will help us understanding the truth behind the knowledge that is given.

Circa: 1949; Image Source: Collectie Wereldmuseum (v/h Tropenmuseum), part of the National Museum of World Cultures

Pager means fence that acts as a shield, and wesi means iron. So, Pagerwesi means the iron fence/shield in the form of truth guidance that will protect human from awidya (darkness) when seeking and learning the truth. Hence, during this holy day, people are expected to be aware of how they perceive the truth and ask for guidance from Sanghyang Pramesti Guru so the knowledge they receive in life is pure. This pure knowledge is believed will protect human from awidya.

Sanghyang Pramesti Guru is one of Sanghyang Bhatara Siwa's manifestations as the destroyer of evils. Bhatara Siwa is believed will destroy deceptive evil spirits when Bhatara Siwa manifests himself as Pramesti Guru. In Bali, we believe that in truth seeking process, a niskala guidance is needed. During Pagerwesi, prayers are appealed to Sanghyang Pramesti Guru as a niskala guide so human will be kept away from evils that might misdirect the truth.


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